Thursday, April 22, 2010

Work day 4

New cininc today patients was from another district
completely different most of the patients today much elder ranginy to age 93 ooh but could he sprint up and down stairs so many decayed teeth my skills
are improving now that I am duel assistant for hygenist and dentist I DID MY FIRST EXTRACTION TODAY
tomarror I most likely will assist Dr. Simmons\
God has my plan for tomarrow hope not cutting grass
I can do that at home

gee I really talk funny now (pole-lock???) hope (not)
All my clothing was dirty and are being cleaned by the Vietemese.
So far all I have ate is Vietemese food
Lesson learned only take one, too many dishes to eat leave more space for more food
Not sure why but each time I e-mail computer crashes a few seconds before I send
Does that mean not ready yet? I think so
I will propose a question for today,
How much joy will I hold?

In His loving protection


  1. Continue praying for safety and for you and the team. May you always be in GOD's will and doing his work.

    Love ya,

  2. Good Evening/Good Morning, Irene read your e-mails last night at Church. God is so good! I was overwhelmed last night with His awesomeness. Your words reminded me of what God can do with a surrendered life, when we "get out of control" :)

    What a thought, a vietnamese Kentuckian JC, makes my head hurt to think of the "language". Yes, the grass is growing I can hear it calling your name. :)

    BFA & MIH, pc

  3. JC,

    We are all so excited to hear your stories when you get back! I have a feeling this won't be your last time in Vietnam;)God is good! Stay in His care.

    With much love and prayers

    In Christ,
    Sandy and family
