Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Work day 3 Wendasday

7:45 short message
Goint to eat 20 min. Not sure my feet exhist so tired
Tomarrow to travel to another clinic
Today after we finished at this clinic we ALL we invited (requested) to the local police station Vets with a Mission were honored, in our speakers
the talkes about God sending each of us here
Okay we passed the test from the secret police
Tinking Jeff & team saw near 50 patients today
no down kids one gentleman has leporcy
Gosh these kids and adults love His work.
And the hair bows were a blast, hoping Big C
has restocked
For sure pictures as soon as time permits
Devotion was amazing this morning I'll share a
copy with all
Sandy, thanks again for this blog only wish I had
more time to post dont't worry you will be hearing
how God is providing to these Vietemese
How would you like to listen to me and 25 more of
me discussing what He has done for us all at one time
Thinking you all may need to ponder that awhile
in His protection


  1. JC we are praying for you and the team.It sounds like you all have been busy doing God's work.May God's Blessing continue to rain down on you, Jeff,and Team.

    Your Brother in Christ

  2. Honey, I know that you are doing Kingdom work. I will continue to pray for you and the team.
    May "God" truly bless you and the team. Very excited to see pictures and hear more about what you are doing.

    Love ya,

  3. Dad,
    I am so glad you are having a eventful trip..when you get home I am going to teach you how to spell so we can interpret some of the things you are typing..ha ha...Miss an love you and continue to be safe,


  4. JC,

    So glad that all is going well! Thanks for taking the time to share with all of us!

    In Christ,
