Sunday, April 25, 2010


Wonderful news that guest were at church sunday,  We will be with him all through the surgery
this in only the beginning for him and Him  It is very important that we show our love at this important
part of this life it will be vary difficult  for hin to accept all the love that will be reaching to share
Thanks for the update


  1. Yes, JC we did have guests! God is working....

    In Christ,

  2. It was wonderful to have the guest Sunday. I told him that we would be praying for him that God would guide the surgeon's hands and that he would come through this ordeal safely. He knows that you would be there and you may get to if the surgery is not until next week. They are going to call and let me know when it is. I know that "GOD" is still working in people's lives.

    Love & Prayers,

  3. HI JC,
    I didn't get on the computer this past weekend :(, I feel like I missed weeks of updates. Yes, God is good and working even on the other side of the tracks :) Thank you for your truck offer, but the little Saturn is still hobbling along and she can do it, but I do know the time is coming, when she will be replaced :(
    Later, BFA & MIH pc
