Saturday, April 24, 2010

Clinic work completed

Yes the clinic will be vacant until Vets with a Missions returns we have delivered so much physical
STUFF, sow many many seeds and have Harvested.
As I ponder tonight I  know there is so much more to do here. All was needed  now we must wait for more Harvest.
We have sown  many seeds and watered them well the rest I cannot control .
Seems very awkward to be in a  position out of control
but being out of control is most likely when we are in His control.
I reflect back To December 2008 when stepping out wasn't a option only a command will I fall or will I
climb, today I am very very sure I am going in the correct direction sure wish everyone  would come
with us.
Today very long day we returned to hotel after dark.still need to pack, shower we travel tomarrow
Oh, the Vets are invited to a high level meeting tomarrow morning  at the police station with the Vietemese police and former emeny soldiers, not sure how I will fill face to face in the same room with people who tried to kill each other years ago,  please let me forgive them and myself. I must forgive inorder to hill.
I almost created real confusion today at the clinic as I would go into croud and play with the children also bring them candy gifts and more hair bows those little fellows almost pulled or pushed me to the ground many times sure had a good time with them
Today I delivered a special gift for a special need. The gift, was an obidence gift sent from one of His messangers

in His protection


  1. Our Thoughts and prayers are with you today. I look forward to your return as I believe God has much to say through this experence. Both of you are true men of God.I count it a blessing to be your Pastor. God speed. Pastor Mike

  2. JC,

    "but being out of control is most likely when we are in His control."

    That is a profound statement! Stay with Him in all that you do. Praying for you today as always.

    In Christ,

  3. I know that you have been a big hit with the children. You are just a big kid yourself!!! Can't wait to hear all the exciting stories that you have experienced while over there. God's blessing on you and the team for the rest of your stay. I will be praying for safety for you and the team as you travel the rest of the time you are there and on your journey back home.

    Love & prayers

  4. It's true the world over, kids love J.C. and J.C. loves kids! Thanks for sharing your experiences - can't wait to listen to you fill in the details when you get home. Take care and may God continue to bless you!

    Leah, Chip, and Dana

  5. just some advice next time you take a picture with shorts on get a tan first ha,ha Willie
