Friday, April 16, 2010

Arrived at last

It was a very log flight but a longer journry things have changed
we arrived about 6 hourg ago the flight was very smooth and everyone
was sleeping not sure of the schedule tonight, i'm not sure what
time it is or even the day of wk. my pc will not connect but will be repaired soon
In His protection


  1. Good Morning???? Isn't it great, when YOU don't have the plan and are "out of control"! BFA & MIH Later, pc

    PS -- The "Crockett Garden" has made it's appearance on the dinner plate last night :)

  2. Good to hear you made it. I've kidnapped your dog, him ahd Ahaker are having a sleeping contest

  3. Hey Dad!!! Glad to see you are lost in translation as usual....Have a good Day!!!

  4. Glad you made it safe and sound. How did everything go with meeting the team? Was it as you thought it would be? Hope you can get your pc working OK. Is the weather extremely hot there? I am certain that you will survive though because GOD is on your side. I am praying for you and the team daily and I know that there are others doing the same. Keep writing to let me know how things are going.

    Love ya,

  5. I am glad everything is going good for all of your team. Praying for all of you every day, see you soon, keep up the good work. JD
